Functional Sports Therapy vs Physical Therapy: Everything You Need to Know

A big part of any athlete’s routine is (or at least should be!) training their body to perform the best it can. A big part of that training is undergoing functional sports therapy. Sports therapy can help athletes stay at the top of their game; not only will it enhance your performance, but it’ll protect your body from injury. Two common therapies athletes explore to get this foundational step taken care of are functional sports therapy and physical therapy. Both are equally important for the body, but they serve slightly different purposes. Below, we explain the key differences between sports therapy vs physical therapy, as well as their specific advantages and who can benefit the most from each.

Functional Sports Therapy vs Physical Therapy: What Are They?

What is Functional Sports Therapy?

Functional sports therapy is a subset of physical therapy specifically designed for athletes. Just like physical therapy, it focuses on helping you heal, restore functionality and mobility, and increase strength. However, physical therapists with a specialization in sports medicine understand the intricacies of how sports take a toll on your body. The goal of sports therapy is not only geared towards helping you feel healthy and strong in your day-to-day life, but it’s also structured to help you play and compete again in sports.

What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is a broader field that aims to restore function, improve mobility, and strengthen your body. PTs use exercises, manual therapy, and other techniques to reduce pain, improve movement, and help clients feel stronger, more mobile, and more functional. This type of therapy has even been found to help manage chronic pain conditions.

What are the Main Differences Between Functional Sports Therapy vs Physical Therapy?

The primary distinction between functional sports therapy vs physical therapy lies in their goals and focus. Functional sports therapy is a specific kind of therapy primarily aimed at athletes; it’s heavily focused on optimizing performance, preventing injuries specific to sports activities, and improving mobility and strength in the body. Conversely, physical therapy is a more general field that isn’t directed solely at athletes.

Another key difference is the approach to treatment. Functional sports therapists often work closely with athletes to develop sport-specific conditioning programs that incorporate strength training and flexibility exercises. Physical therapists also develop specific programs for their clients, but they aren’t necessarily sports medicine-centered.

functional sports therapist helping stretch a young woman's arm above her head in a medical office setting

Who Can Benefit from Functional Sports Therapy?

Functional sports therapy is ideal for athletes at all levels and ages who want to improve their performance, prevent injuries, or recover from sports-related injuries. Whether you’re a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, choosing sports therapy vs physical therapy can help you achieve your fitness goals and stay at the top of your game.

What Do We Offer for Sports Therapy?

At Littleton Massage and Sports Recovery, we offer a range of services designed to support athletes in achieving their peak performance:

  • Trigger Point Therapy: This is a technique that focuses on specific areas that are causing pain or discomfort. Using a combination of pressure and stretching, it helps relieve tension and pain while also helping improve circulation.
  • Myofascial Release: This sports therapy technique hones in on releasing tension in the muscles and fascia. It’s particularly helpful with improving mobility and easing pain.
  • PNF Stretching: This is a type of deep stretching used to increase range of motion, improve muscular strength, and reduce future risk of injury.
  • Detox Infrared Therapy: This is a type of heat therapy that helps promote relaxation, strengthen your heart health, soothe sore muscles, assist with weight loss, detox, and more.
  • Teen Sports Therapy: This is sports recovery therapy that is adolescent-focused. It helps teens prevent serious injuries and reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness pain.

Littleton Massage & Sports Recovery Can Help with Both

Understanding the differences between functional sports therapy vs physical therapy is essential for choosing the right approach to meet your needs. While we don’t provide physical therapy services, we do offer functional sports therapy services to our clients! Our sports recovery specialist always goes above and beyond to help our clients feel their best through a carefully curated sports recovery plan. Contact us here if you’re interested in undergoing functional sports therapy with us.

If you’re not interested in sports therapy but want to speak to someone about what kind of treatment would be a good fit for you, we can still help. During your first appointment, our licensed therapists will conduct a short consultation where we’ll discuss your medical history as well as your goals; afterward, they will give you their recommendations on which therapy service or massage service is right for your needs.

Carolyn Wentz

Carolyn, a yoga enthusiast, skier, and world traveler, understands the importance of staying active. That's why she founded Littleton Massage & Sports Recovery. Her passion is helping others keep doing what they love! With the help of her highly skilled massage therapists, she's able to do just that.

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